jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

The Albert Dock

 The Albert Dock

The Albert Dock is one of the most emblematic landmarks in Liverpool. First opened in 1846 by Prince Albert, it was an innovative project as it was the first warehouse built of iron, brick and stone in contrast to the previous wooden warehouses, which were less safe as they could be damaged by fire. This dock was mainly used for storing goods such as tea, tobbacco and ivory but it was also the place where boats were accommodated once they reached the city. However, the mechanic and technological developments steamboats experienced over the years  required infrastructural changes in the Albert Dock, which led to its closure in 1972 as it could not meet these demands. Luckily, it was opened back in 1988 after remodeling works and it has continued to be so until our present days. Nowadays, it is one of the busiest spots in Liverpool with plenty of restaurants, pubs, museums and many other places of interest. A compilation of pictures from this attraction can be found in the video attached below.

Source: "History." Albert Dock Liverpool. 11 May 2017.

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